Professional Events

Distinguished Speaker Series

Stanford Tau Beta Pi enriches students’ learning outside of the classroom by bringing engaging speakers to campus. Our highly-anticipated speaker series features accomplished CEOs, start-up founders, and thought leaders who provide our members and the greater Stanford community with valuable insights.

STAR Banquet

Each year, Stanford Tau Beta Pi hosts the Student-Teacher Academic Roundtable (STAR) Banquet to provide members, candidates, and engineering students the opportunity to discuss their undergraduate engineering experience with illustrious faculty members. The STAR Banquet has become a place for both casual interactions and formal discussions regarding areas of improvement for the School of Engineering.

CEO Dinners

Stanford Tau Beta Pi’s CEO Dinners are a unique opportunity for candidates and members to converse with top-notch executives in an intimate setting. Only 8-10 students are permitted to attend each dinner to ensure that every attendee is able to speak directly with our esteemed guest of the week.

Enjoy watching one of our speaker events