Engineering Showcase
Packard Atrium | April 7, 2016 | 2:30-4:30 PM
Get ready for Stanford’s first ever Engineering Showcase! This event aims to be a common platform for engineers from all fields to come together and engage in conversation. We envision a place where technology companies can demo their products to students, and conversely, where student groups can demo their projects to companies and the engineering student body at large. This initiative is largely inspired by MIT’s xFair, and we want to bring a similar spirit to the West Coast at Stanford. Both engineering majors as well as undeclared students interested in exploring applications in industry are warmly invited to attend!
Student Projects:
- GelAid: Revolutionizing Wound Packing with Hydrogels, Shivani Baisiwala ’16
- Remote Access E.Coli Fermentor, Jonathan Deaton ’17
- Comfort Hands, Wut Yee Oo ’17
- Wickit, Natalie Stottler ’16
- Aqua Vitae, Ben Petroski M.S. ’16
- Forever Sun – Solar Powered Lantern, Triple Oswald ’17
- Stanford Solar Car project, Kelsey Josund ’16
- VERA sleeve, Alaina Shumate ’16
- Portable Digital Microscope with Large Field of View, Gary Lee ’16
- Container-Based Sanitation: Squatting Toilet Design and Implementation, Phil Salazar ’16
- Gravity Lamp, Peter Lowe M.S. ’17
- Prosthetic Socket Pressure Sensor, Max Whitmeyer ’16
- Free Space Optical Communications, Logan Herrera ’17
- Robust dipstick urinalysis using a low-cost, micro-volume manifold, Genna Smith Ph.D. ’18
Company Products:
- Watson IoT Platform on Bluemix, IBM
- Dove Satellite, Planet Labs
- Data Visualization of College Admissions Process, Thoughtspot
- Augmented & Virtual Reality Eye-Interaction prototypes, Eyefluence
- University Recruitment Platform, Handshake
- Automated Breast Ultrasound Scanner and Desktop Software for Medical Image Visualization, GE Healthcare
- Virtual Reality demo, Samsung
- Echo, Echo Dot and Amazon Tap, Amazon Lab126
- Topic Clustering & Sentiment Analysis Demo, Medallia
This event is co-hosted with Stanford IEEE with support from BEAM.
Special Thanks To: