This past spring quarter I studied abroad at Oxford University, and it was one of the most formative experiences of my life. I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of my experience, and over three months I bonded with new friends, furthered my academic studies, and expanded my cultural horizons.
My best memories are my one on one tutorial meetings with my tutor Professor Nicholas Horsewood. I read Alternative Investment Economics and learned about the major alternative investments such as private equity, hedge funds, commodities, and real estate. Every week Professor Horsewood challenges me think critically, as he drills me with questions to formulate my thinking. I am also part of Magdalen College, and my favorite activities include attending formal hall, choral evensong, punting, and the deer park.
As one of the six sophomores out of 45 Stanford students studying abroad at Oxford this term, I have been extremely grateful for this unique opportunity. The Stanford House’s quaint atmosphere, homey living space, and relaxing neutral colors created a calm environment for me to focus intently on scholarship.* My favorite part of the house is the library. There, I read and finished a biography on J. R. R. Tolkein, who was a former student and fellow at Oxford. I immediately related with the experiences he had while he lived here. Walking through the Covered Market, shopping at Cornmarket Street, commuting by High Street, and lounging through Christ Church Meadows, I retrace Tolkein’s steps and ponder if the natural and historic beauty that I witness are the same inspirations he drew for his literary works.
While I doubt I will author the next fantasy literary masterpiece, I realized that my time here is a short glimpse of a historic, wonderful, and mystic place known as Oxford. Since the first day, I have experienced each opportunity to the fullest at Oxford. Coming back to Stanford, I realized to cherish every moment, strive to become a better individual, and pursue my passions.
*Check out a tour of the Stanford House